Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Walk By Faith

I was driving down the highway last night thinking about all the things I wanted to accomplish.  
I wasn't sure about some of the next steps that needed to happen.
Then the thought came to me - that's what Faith is all about.
God only shows you one step or a few steps at a time and it's up to you to keep taking the steps.

Even when you don't see a thing - God is still lighting the path just ahead.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Discovering the Way to Walk Out of Fear Part Two Copyright Victoria Lee 2016

Suppose people and obstacles really are basically the same no matter where they find themselves geographically. What could a person do to develop a “No Fear” response to the challenges of life?

Victoria Lee suggests above all they need to believe in themselves by realizing that they have a purpose for being on this earth a reason for living; a part to play in the overall plan of life. They need to believe that they don’t exist just to take up space but to fill a specific position – a place of employment so to speak. Therefore in realizing their worth - their undeniable place in creation - they can expect good things to come their way. When negative things do happen, they realize they are only temporary setbacks - not the end to their dreams.
I wish I could take the hand of every small child and young adult. I would personally show them a quick glance into their future so they could see how incredibly awesome they are. I would help them believe that the world is crying out for their unique gifts and talents that only they can provide.

A few years back, Victoria Lee spoke to a group of young teenagers in a program designated for troubled kids. As she looked over the group, she noticed a young man that had the typical “nerd” image screaming out of him.

It was almost as if she could read his thoughts of insecurity - misfit, unwanted, and undesirable.

That day in class, she used him as an example of what it means to believe a lie about oneself instead of the truth. She wanted to help them understand how valuable each of them is to the world. As she left that day, she knew the students understood themselves somewhat better. The young man presented her with a button that read, “You’re too blessed to be stressed.” He carried that button with him at all times to encourage himself. Somehow after the meeting, Victoria felt the student had a little less need for that button.

For more information please refer:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Discovering the Way to Walk Out of Fear Part One Copyright Victoria Lee 2016

If I could rewrite the seasons of my life, I would choose never to be afraid. Instead, I would embrace the challenges that occur with a sense of wonder and amazement. I spent too many years allowing disappointments and trials to defeat me only to find out
decades later the trials had been used as opportunities of growth.

Someone once said the word “fear” stood for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet, for those who are challenged by fear, the adrenaline that runs through their body at that moment feels anything but false.

The good news is after many years of struggling with the debilitating effects of fear, I can tell you that fear really is the equivalent of a speck of sand we build into a giant pyramid in our own minds.

Our mind truly is our battlefield. Very seldom do the things we fear deserve the incredible negative attention we give them.

When I was a small child, my home life was very unstable. As a result, it helped set a pattern of expected defeat in my young mind. My father was an alcoholic and very abusive. My mother was extremely young and naïve; she really wasn’t capable of guiding me through the hurdles of life that terrified me.

To a child, the uncertainties often hide the truth in a situation. We fear the unknown because our past experiences have often proven to be everything we feared. In reality, the fear we exhibited magnetically drew the devastation to us.

Most parents of fearful children are living in a realm of fear themselves. This situation causes the cycle of fear to be repeated from one generation to the next.

If I could pass a bill in Congress, it would be one that requires all school systems to add a program to their curriculum that teaches children how to overcome adversity. The program would teach them how to “look at a glass as half full rather than half empty” or even “how to turn negative thoughts into incredible avenues of growth” -- in other words, a “NO FEAR” class.
The only thing you have to fear is fear itself –the belief in False Evidence Appearing Real.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Environment Has Everything To Do With It.

Environment Has Everything To Do With It

Have you ever noticed the difference in the atmosphere when you walk into a certain room?  Have you noticed the difference in the way you feel when you are with a certain person or group?  Your enthusiasm for life may dramatically increase or decrease depending on which arena you just entered.

What's environment got to do with it anyway? - EVERYTHING!

In your home life, your recreational time and in your choice of careers, your environment sets the tone for your success or failure.

I was driving through town one day and decided to pull into a convenience store parking lot to get myself a cold drink.  As I turned off the engine and picked up my purse lying on the seat next to me, I noticed to my right a very dilapidated truck with a camper shell.  The man driving looked to be very unkempt as well as the passenger he had with him.  I couldn't help but notice that the entire circumference of the bed of the truck was filled to overflowing with debris of every kind.  As they proceeded to get out of the truck, my eyes fell on the interior of the small front seat.  To my astonishment every inch of space was also occupied with what seemed to be the leftovers of numerous fast food meals of the past.  As our eyes met, I suddenly remembered I'd seen this man and his passenger on several occasions as I'd driven by their home.  His clothes were beyond repair and it was questionable as to whether his hair had ever felt the soothing experience of a sudsy cleansing.  My heart went out to him, because I felt sure at some point his environment had kept him from realizing his true potential.

This family was by far an exaggeration of a disheveled lifestyle.  However, there are a lot of individuals who look good on the outside, but inside their cocoon of existence is anything but tidy.  The debris that engulfs their thinking has tainted their ability to move forward with their lives.  Negativity seems to prevail at every turn and yet they are clueless as to how to change the tide.

Is there anything that is keeping you from climbing the ladder of success in all areas of your life?  Are you surrounded by people who celebrate your presence or tolerate you?  Are you constantly settling for less, because that's all you think you deserve?  Then it's time to make some changes.  Begin to see yourself as worthy to receive all the good things that life has to offer.  Take inventory of your present state of existence.  Are you progressing forward or standing still?  Is your mind cluttered or is it free to create.  Are you looking forward to tomorrow, because your yesterdays have been so rewarding or are you dreading the thought of yet another day?

It's never too late to start fresh, so get in line for an immediate promotion.  You were created for greatness.  If greatness hasn't shown up then re-evaluate your surroundings.  It may be that you need to take a long walk and reassess where you are in life.  You may even need to sit alone in silence in order to give your inner self a chance to reboot.  Whatever route needs to be taken - just do it.  When the fresh air of renewed strength has entered your dwelling, you'll be a better person and a role model to those you love.  What's environment got to do with it?  EVERYTHING, IF YOU AREN'T WHERE YOU NEED TO BE.

Remember - Don't Just Think It, Make It Happen!

Be Blessed, Victoria Lee

Thursday, September 1, 2016



Sometimes have you wondered why certain areas of your life have to be so cotton-pickin hard to endure?  Or why you just can't seem to get where you want to go fast enough?  Have you ever had the thought cross your mind "I think I'll quit and do something less time consuming and more effortless?"  Then you realize when you wake up from your stupor that you have to try just one more time.  That's where determination and resolve step in.

We've all come too far to throw in the towel now.  Our victory is right around the corner.  The unveiling of everything we've worked so hard to achieve is about to manifest itself.

Did you know the bigger the vision, the bigger the promotion and the greater the promotion the harder the struggle will be to get there?  The good news is you will arrive, if you don't quit too soon.  I wonder how many people in the sunset of their years look back and say, "I wish I would have.....".

When is too soon?  When the thought of giving up churns inside you to the extent that the pain of losing your dream outweighs the difficulties you've acquired waiting for it to come to pass.

If you give up before every last "t" was crossed and every "i" was dotted then it wasn't a dream at all - it was only a "want to."  One of Webster's definitions of a dream is "something notable for its beauty."  If that's true then why would you give up on a dream that's going to bring such inspiration and splendor to those around you?

I've been told that the accomplishments you deliver to the world are more for others than for your self.  So doesn't it stand to reason that the birthing of those dreams have nothing to do with your own feelings of unworthiness, but instead the celebration of a gift to the world.  So, lay down your "I'll never be able to accomplish this" attitude and decide to be the channel that brings all creation a most wanted prize.  It may be wrapped in cellophane, a brown paper bag or the grandeur of exquisite design.  However it comes packaged have the fortitude to not abort it until it has reached its final destination.

I imagine the list of survivors who have accomplished their dreams is quite long. However, as we look around us we see multitudes of individuals who have given up on their dreams, assuming they will never come to fruition.  I challenge you to run from those individuals before their "I can't" attitude settles down on you. Instead, I suggest you set your mind like flint and refuse to relinquish your triumphs.

In my own life, I'm determined to be a statistic of value and worth.  I'm determined to leave a mark that can never be erased.  I'm determined to live life as if no one can make the contributions to it like I can.  You know what, they can't.  I'm the only one that can bring an appointed vision of "notable beauty" with a flair of my own uniqueness and so are YOU!  Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done.  Check that churning device inside your "knower" every time the negative forces try to come against you.  Trust that "knower", it's a very synchronized piece of equipment that becomes more finely tuned every time it experiences even an inkling of success.

Will you be the next person in line to give a victory shout?  I hope so.  When you do, remember that I'll be shouting too.

Remember - Don't Just Think It, Make It Happen!

Be Blessed, Victoria Lee  

Are You a Diamond or a Piece of Coal?

Are You a Diamond or a Piece of Coal?

The difference in a diamond and a piece of black coal is how much pressure is applied to it.  Both products are made from carbon, but one is full of impurities and one is not.  Coal is full of impurities, because it isn't just carbon, it is also made up of molecules derived from plants, fungi and bacteria.

Are you a diamond or a piece of black coal?  Diamonds are created from tremendous heat and pressure, but look how beautiful they are.

In everyone's life a little rain must fall, but whether or not we dry ourselves off and get back out in the sunshine is our own choice.

It has been said that trials and tribulations can either make you or break you.  What causes one person to make it through the storm and yet another person in the same situation, crumble under the pressure?  What you are made of makes all the difference in the world.

If you are a positive, upbeat, life is a bowl of cherries kind of person even in the midst of a trial, the outcome is very different.  What makes up your composition is what very often determines your outcome.

What were you made of before the pressures of life began?  Were you merely molecules of bacteria or a diamond in the rough waiting for the extreme pressures of life to form you into a brilliantly cut stone of great price?

Remember when you were a child and you thought everything was possible, as long as you could convince mom and dad?  Well, if you can recaptured that childlike faith then once again all things will be possible.  This time, the only one you have to convince is you.  When you stop and think about it, there are 10 million, jillion ideas out there just waiting to be exposed.  Yet sometimes we get so hung up on some silly little obstacle that we allow it to convince us that everything else we desire isn't possible.

We've all heard stories about great men and women who were able to eventually seize the brass ring.  How?  Are you going to tell me those individuals were smarter, or better looking or were born with a silver spoon in their mouth?  It's true for some, but not all.  So that leaves us with the undeniable fact that the brass ring is attainable to everyone.  Then why doesn't everyone have their own personalized rendition?  Is it possible that your brass ring is shaped somewhat differently and therefore you're unable to recognize it's true beauty?  Are you the diamond in the rough shaped in the form of a cluster and yet all these years you've been looking for a marque?  What exactly is the "brass ring"?  Interestingly, brass stands for self-confidence, self assurance and nerve and ring is defined as a circle or halo.  From those definitions could it be that the encircling halo of divine intervention is linked primarily to your ability to have the self-confidence needed to obtain your ultimate goal?

Let me encourage you to take another deep breath, straighten your shoulders of nobility and forge into your future with determination like you've never known before.

Don't let life pass you by waiting for your ship to come in, all the while believing that it won't.  Get in your row boat with your set of oars and paddle as fast as you can to create your own Queen Mary.  Not only will you find a new source of strength, but you will have given the world another look at GREATNESS!

Remember, Don't Just Think It, Make It Happen!

Be Blessed, Victoria Lee  

Are You Wishing or Pursuing

Are You Wishing or Pursuing

What is it that keeps you from getting where you want to be in life?  Do you find yourself wishing you had a better car, a better job, more friends or a larger savings account?
As you look back over the events of last year do you find that you are pretty much in the same situation with no real changes in sight?  Isn't it time to ask yourself why?
If you aren't growing and changing for the better then there is something wrong somewhere.  Are you stuck in the mode of "wishing" rather than "pursuing", if so, what is holding you back?
In most cases, the only thing holding you back is you.  It's time to ask yourself - what am I afraid of?  What am I afraid to ask for that would open a door for me?  What am I afraid to try that would bring about a wealth of knowledge?  What am I afraid to risk that would bring a multitude of advantages into my life?
If you truly examine your thoughts and realize that the "boogie man" of fear is robbing you of having the successful life you've always dreamed of having then it's time to make some changes. 
I urge you to take a deep breath and say, "watch out world, here I come."  Then, don't ever look back until you've created the success you deserve.  Everything you need to be successful is hidden within the reservoir of your mind waiting to be tapped into and used to its full potential.