Thursday, September 1, 2016

Are You a Diamond or a Piece of Coal?

Are You a Diamond or a Piece of Coal?

The difference in a diamond and a piece of black coal is how much pressure is applied to it.  Both products are made from carbon, but one is full of impurities and one is not.  Coal is full of impurities, because it isn't just carbon, it is also made up of molecules derived from plants, fungi and bacteria.

Are you a diamond or a piece of black coal?  Diamonds are created from tremendous heat and pressure, but look how beautiful they are.

In everyone's life a little rain must fall, but whether or not we dry ourselves off and get back out in the sunshine is our own choice.

It has been said that trials and tribulations can either make you or break you.  What causes one person to make it through the storm and yet another person in the same situation, crumble under the pressure?  What you are made of makes all the difference in the world.

If you are a positive, upbeat, life is a bowl of cherries kind of person even in the midst of a trial, the outcome is very different.  What makes up your composition is what very often determines your outcome.

What were you made of before the pressures of life began?  Were you merely molecules of bacteria or a diamond in the rough waiting for the extreme pressures of life to form you into a brilliantly cut stone of great price?

Remember when you were a child and you thought everything was possible, as long as you could convince mom and dad?  Well, if you can recaptured that childlike faith then once again all things will be possible.  This time, the only one you have to convince is you.  When you stop and think about it, there are 10 million, jillion ideas out there just waiting to be exposed.  Yet sometimes we get so hung up on some silly little obstacle that we allow it to convince us that everything else we desire isn't possible.

We've all heard stories about great men and women who were able to eventually seize the brass ring.  How?  Are you going to tell me those individuals were smarter, or better looking or were born with a silver spoon in their mouth?  It's true for some, but not all.  So that leaves us with the undeniable fact that the brass ring is attainable to everyone.  Then why doesn't everyone have their own personalized rendition?  Is it possible that your brass ring is shaped somewhat differently and therefore you're unable to recognize it's true beauty?  Are you the diamond in the rough shaped in the form of a cluster and yet all these years you've been looking for a marque?  What exactly is the "brass ring"?  Interestingly, brass stands for self-confidence, self assurance and nerve and ring is defined as a circle or halo.  From those definitions could it be that the encircling halo of divine intervention is linked primarily to your ability to have the self-confidence needed to obtain your ultimate goal?

Let me encourage you to take another deep breath, straighten your shoulders of nobility and forge into your future with determination like you've never known before.

Don't let life pass you by waiting for your ship to come in, all the while believing that it won't.  Get in your row boat with your set of oars and paddle as fast as you can to create your own Queen Mary.  Not only will you find a new source of strength, but you will have given the world another look at GREATNESS!

Remember, Don't Just Think It, Make It Happen!

Be Blessed, Victoria Lee  


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