Thursday, September 1, 2016



Sometimes have you wondered why certain areas of your life have to be so cotton-pickin hard to endure?  Or why you just can't seem to get where you want to go fast enough?  Have you ever had the thought cross your mind "I think I'll quit and do something less time consuming and more effortless?"  Then you realize when you wake up from your stupor that you have to try just one more time.  That's where determination and resolve step in.

We've all come too far to throw in the towel now.  Our victory is right around the corner.  The unveiling of everything we've worked so hard to achieve is about to manifest itself.

Did you know the bigger the vision, the bigger the promotion and the greater the promotion the harder the struggle will be to get there?  The good news is you will arrive, if you don't quit too soon.  I wonder how many people in the sunset of their years look back and say, "I wish I would have.....".

When is too soon?  When the thought of giving up churns inside you to the extent that the pain of losing your dream outweighs the difficulties you've acquired waiting for it to come to pass.

If you give up before every last "t" was crossed and every "i" was dotted then it wasn't a dream at all - it was only a "want to."  One of Webster's definitions of a dream is "something notable for its beauty."  If that's true then why would you give up on a dream that's going to bring such inspiration and splendor to those around you?

I've been told that the accomplishments you deliver to the world are more for others than for your self.  So doesn't it stand to reason that the birthing of those dreams have nothing to do with your own feelings of unworthiness, but instead the celebration of a gift to the world.  So, lay down your "I'll never be able to accomplish this" attitude and decide to be the channel that brings all creation a most wanted prize.  It may be wrapped in cellophane, a brown paper bag or the grandeur of exquisite design.  However it comes packaged have the fortitude to not abort it until it has reached its final destination.

I imagine the list of survivors who have accomplished their dreams is quite long. However, as we look around us we see multitudes of individuals who have given up on their dreams, assuming they will never come to fruition.  I challenge you to run from those individuals before their "I can't" attitude settles down on you. Instead, I suggest you set your mind like flint and refuse to relinquish your triumphs.

In my own life, I'm determined to be a statistic of value and worth.  I'm determined to leave a mark that can never be erased.  I'm determined to live life as if no one can make the contributions to it like I can.  You know what, they can't.  I'm the only one that can bring an appointed vision of "notable beauty" with a flair of my own uniqueness and so are YOU!  Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done.  Check that churning device inside your "knower" every time the negative forces try to come against you.  Trust that "knower", it's a very synchronized piece of equipment that becomes more finely tuned every time it experiences even an inkling of success.

Will you be the next person in line to give a victory shout?  I hope so.  When you do, remember that I'll be shouting too.

Remember - Don't Just Think It, Make It Happen!

Be Blessed, Victoria Lee  


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